
  • CRA FSO – Sanremo (IM), Italia
  • CREAT (Center for research and extension service) – Chamber of Commerce of Nice, France
  • Centro Regionale di Sperimentazione e Assistenza Agricola (CeRSAA), Albenga (SV), Italy
  • University of Genova, Italy:
    • DiCTFA – Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche e Alimentari
    • DIMES – Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale
    • DISCMIT – Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche Specialistiche, di Anestesiologia e dei Trapianti d’Organo
  • Etablissement Public Local d’Enseignment et de Formation Professionnelles Agricoles d’Antibes (EPLEFPA), Antibes, France
  • AGROSELVITER – Dipartimento di Agronomia, Selvicoltura e Gestione del territorio Università degli Studi di Torino

Funding body

European Union


The project aims at valorizing and exploiting the properties of some important aromatic herbs present in the coast line between Italy and France. Valorization of such herbs will lead to a potential increase in the economic sector related to the transformation and the use of aromatic plants both in the agricultar and in the food sector.
Moreover the project aims at reducing the environmental impact deriving from human activities within the coast areas involved and increasing the competitiveness of the productive system of such regions promoting the research, the technology transfer and strengthening the innovation processes and the entrepreneurship in some key sectors (organic farming, environment protection, valorization of the biodiversity) through a wide partnership. The project is intended to actively involve companies which are active in the composting processes and which need a broader development of their activities, an effective technology transfer and a support in the innovation processes.

Materials and methods

Main axes of the projects are:

  1. Recovery and valorization of aromatic plants normally present in the coast line and exploited for ornamental, extractive and food purposes;
  2. Valorization of new plant resources in order to increase the competitiveness of the ornamentals production sector and the urban furnishing;
  3. Study and evaluation of potential use of selected aromatic plants (herbaceous, bushy and woody) for landscape planning;
  4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of plant extracts as natural pesticides and drugs;
  5. Set up, spread and application of environmentally friendly cropping systems;
  6. Recovery of the cultural aspects traditionally related to the aromatic plants and dissemination through informatic supports.

Main outcomes

  • Improvement of the sector related to the exploitation of aromatic plants and fresh herbs;
  • Increase in the competitiveness of companies operating in the sector of typical food production within the Mediterranean basin with particular regards to Liguria and Cotê d’Azur;
  • Potential use of plant extract in the agricultural sector and consequent reduction of the environmental impact deriving from the application of pesticides;
  • Proposal of new solution for urban furnishing based on innovative plant species.