
• Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura, Istituto Sperimentale per la Meccanizzazione Agricola (CRA-ISMA)
• Fondazione Centro Lombardo per l’Incremento della Floro-Orto-Frutticoltura – Scuola di Minoprio (Fondazione Minoprio)
• Centro Regionale di Sperimentazione e Assistenza Agricola (CeRSAA) – Azienda Speciale della Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura di Savona
• Università degli studi della Basilicata – Dipartimento di Scienze dei Sistemi Colturali, forestali e dell’Ambiente

Funding body

Ministry for Agricultural, Food and  Forestry Policies


Main objectives of the project related to ornamental crops are:

  • Reduction of production costs;
  • Reduction of energy consumption;
  • Enhanced compatibility between technological solutions and quality of productions;
  • Optimization of the logistical aspects towards an increased competitiveness.


CeRSAA is involved in activities aiming at lowering energy consumption through:

  • Realization of sustainable greenhouses;
  • Reduction/optimization of traditional energetic uses;
  • Adoption of improved planning criteria (use of GIS technology, optimized orientation, eco-planning,…);
  • Evaluation of innovative systems for basal heating/cooling;
  • Evaluation of photovoltaic and thermal solar equipments;
  • Optimization of systems for environmental control;
  • Use of innovative materials for higher light transmission and better isolation.

Expected results

  • Reduction of heat losses through innovative insulating materials;
  • Local optimized distribution of heating through basal systems and electric radiation sheets;
  • Energy harvesting through leftover heat recover;
  • Elaboration of mathematical models deriving from GIS technology application for an optmized localization and orientation of greenhouse and for a better management of environmental parameters;
  • Development of a simplified protocol at farmers’ disposal for energy analysis aimed at optimizing new plants and equipment installation.

Direct consequences will be represented by a more efficient use of energy at disposal with significant savings in terms of costs and environmental impact. Upon data collection, it will be possible to set up guidelines for the planning of energy saving greenhouses according to climatic areas and to optimized relationships among site, farm and equipments for each crop taken in consideration.